My Projects

Welcome to my project showcase. Here you'll find a collection of web development projects I've worked on, featuring various technologies and approaches. These projects reflect my journey in learning and applying modern tools and frameworks to create functional and innovative web solutions.

Encompass Travel

Encompass Travel

Delivered a comprehensive digital transformation for Encompass Travel, a premier motorcycle tour company in New Zealand, with a focus on stunning design, responsive development, and brand identity.

Restyled 2.0

Restyled 2.0

An AI-enhanced wardrobe platform built with Next.js, Supabase, and Lemon Squeezy. Focused on advanced AI integration, streamlined digital exploration, branding, and user experience for a personalized fashion experience.



A comprehensive project management and personal growth tracking application designed to help developers improve their time estimation skills, track learning progress, and gain insights into their development process.

Live Demo


A Pomodoro Timer Chrome Extension built with React, TypeScript, and Vite to help manage time effectively. Featuring customizable timers, task management, and theme options.

Off The Floor

Off The Floor

A modern and dynamic business website created using Vue3 and TypeScript, featuring responsive design and tailored functionalities to promote aerial arts classes.

AF Buddy

AF Buddy

AF Buddy is a feature-rich Chrome extension that provides developers with tools like geolocation spoofing, user agent emulation, and JSON editing, enhancing the web development process.

Chat with DALL-E Integration

Chat with DALL-E Integration

Chat application that combines real-time messaging with the ability to generate and manipulate images directly in the chat using OpenAI's DALL-E.

The Odin Project

The Odin Project

A comprehensive collection of projects and learnings from my journey through The Odin Project curriculum, showcasing my growth and skill development as a web developer.



A collection of interactive and visually captivating sketches created with p5.js and three.js. These sketches explore mathematical patterns, physics simulations, and interactive elements.

Portfolio Website with Interactive Elements

Portfolio Website with Interactive Elements

A portfolio website that showcases my projects, skills, and experience through interactive features and a mini-game, demonstrating my abilities in web development and creating engaging user experiences.

ReStyled | Wardrobe Styling with Stripe Integration

ReStyled | Wardrobe Styling with Stripe Integration

A MERN stack application integrated with Stripe for marketplace and checkout functionalities. It allows users to digitize their wardrobe, create and save outfits, and manage their style.
